My Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard

Tip na jednoduchý, výživný a superchutný koktejl, který dělám velmi často. Ideální letní snídaně. Pro zimní variantu vyměňte rozmačkané ovoce za nadrcené čokoládové boby.
Pro 2 osoby. Původní recept z GreenKitchenStories.


250 ml rostlinného mléka (např. ovesné, mandlové, sojové, konopné... Pozor, nic z vemene fungovat nebude!)
4 lžíce arašídového másla (ideálně homemade, prostě dlouho předlouho mixujte arašídy)
1 větší banán, nakrájený na kousky a zmražený (v nouzi můžete použít čerstvý banán a pár kostek ledu, ale mražený banán = lepší a hustší koktejl)
cca 10 jahod
trocha citronové nebo limetkové šťávy
hrst mandlí nakrájených na plátky

Jahody rozdělte do dvou sklenic, přidejte trochu citronové nebo limetkové šťávy a rozmačkejte vidličkou. V mixéru nebo tyčovým mixérem rozmixujte mléko, banán a arašídové máslo. Vlijte do sklenic a posypte mandlemi. Podávejte ihned.


Ovocné  |  
Shake  |  


|  18. března 2015 v 8:18

Time to face the music armed with this great inrotmafion.



|  23. března 2015 v 3:57

The practice of the Security Council in cticenonon with Israel suggests that doubtful territorial situations should not effect the rights or status of the inhabitants of a territory "it is impossible to disregard a strange theory advanced here by the representative of Syria and supported, if I am not mistaken, by the representative of France. The substance of that theory is that inasmuch as the territory and frontiers of the State of Israel and its right of existence are contested by some of its neighbor States, the State of Israel does not exist as a sovereign State and cannot be recognized as such. That theory is not only strange but also dangerous. It is reminiscent of the "theories" which, as we all know, were once upon a time preached by the fascist aggressors who claimed world mastery. According to those theories, it was enough for Hitlerite Germany to cast doubt on the existence of one of its neighbor States for that State to cease to exist, and for its territory to be seized and absorbed into the territory of Hitlerite Germany. Such claims were made by the fascist aggressors in respect of Austria, Czechoslovakia and a number of other European countries, including France. In that cticenonon, all kinds of expansionist theories were advanced concerning the inferiority of the people of certain countries, and were used as justification for seizing those countries. History has given the lie to all such wild theories and their authors have paid a cruel price for their aggressive plans." -- Mr. Yakov A. Malik, the 386th meeting of the UN Security Council,


Danča Hájková

|  11. dubna 2016 v 15:14

Moc děkuji za inspiraci.